Wednesday, January 18, 2012

House birds enemies

Birds have numerous enemies that  a careful landlord will try to guard them from. Among these is the English sparrow, whose persistent attacks often drive more desirable birds away from their nests and from the neighborhood.  Also European starlings  are to be condemned for their persistent interference with native house birds.

Cats and large snakes are enemies of birds, the former perhaps killing more birds than any other mammal. Trees and poles supporting houses should be sheathed with tin or galvanized iron to prevent these enemies from climbing to the nests.

Squirrels are more trouble because they gnaw houses, eating eggs, and killing nestlings. Red squirrels, in particular, have a very bad reputation in this respect, and many experimenters keep their grounds free from them. Flying squirrels can be considered a little better than red ones. Even gray and fox squirrels are occasionally troublesome.

It is not necessary, however, that bird lovers should wage indiscriminate warfare against all squirrels. It is far better to adopt the rule never to kill a squirrel unless there is reason to believe that it has acquired the habit of eating eggs or young birds; the result will probably be that not more than one red squirrel in fifty nor more than one gray squirrel in a hundred will have to be killed.

Where squirrels are numerous they are more trouble by gnawing and disfiguring houses. This damage maybe prevented, however, by covering the parts about the entrance with tin or zinc.

Another means of attracting birds to human habitations is to furnish an abundance of food, preferably in food shelters. If one is unable to make shelters that will protect food in all kinds of weather, the food may be fastened to trunks or branches of trees or scattered in sheltered places on the ground. A decided advantage in having shelters, aside from that of protecting food, is that they may be placed where the birds can be watched conveniently.

When shelters are used the birds are first baited by placing food, such as suet, seeds, or cracked nuts, in a conspicuous place, and then led by degrees to enter the bird house.

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